Stakeholders, experts and citizens in SIENNA

SIENNA depends on stakeholders, experts and citizens. We use a structured approach to identify and assess the ethical and socioeconomic issues, legal and human rights implications in human genomics, human enhancement, AI & Robotics. This includes a survey of public opinion.

We have surveyed awareness, expectations and opinions regarding the three technology areas, using representative, large samples of citizens in seven EU and four non-EU countries (France, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Brazil, South Korea, South Africa, and United States). The results of the survey will shape the ethical evaluation and the development of ethics protocols and codes.

We condicted panels of citizens in five EU countries (France, Germany, Spain, Poland and Greece), and will have a full-day deliberation with them on the three technologies, including their impacts, their relevant ethical and legal issues, and the ethical codes needed to regulate them. The results were incorporated into our proposals for ethical frameworks.

Throughout the project, SIENNA consulted with expert stakeholders (scientists, social scientists, engineers, ethicists) to learn about the technologies, their future evolution and impacts and their ethical dimensions. We will perform at least 120 semi-structured interviews via video, telephone or face-to-face. Another another 80+ interviews with other stakeholders (CSOs, policy makers, industry and professional organisations in research & innovation) will also take place.

To receive input on our work, we organised 26 workshops and conferences with stakeholders, including scientists, ethicists, research ethics committees, professional organisations, civil society organisations, industry and policy-makers.

Read our reports

Public opinion surveys

Tim Hanson. (2020). SIENNA D2.5: Public views on genetics, genomics and gene editing in 11 EU and non-EU countries (Version V4). Zenodo.

Marie Prudhomme. (2020). SIENNA D3.5: Public views of human enhancement technologies in 11 EU and non-EU countries (Version V4). Zenodo.

Rebecca Hamlyn. (2020). SIENNA D4.5 Public views on artificial intelligence and robots across 11 EU and non-EU countries. Zenodo.

​Citizen panels

Kantar (Public Division). (2019). SIENNA D2.6: Qualitative research exploring public attitudes to human genomics (Version V3). Zenodo.

Kantar (Public Division). (2019). SIENNA D3.6: Qualitative research exploring public attitudes to human enhancement technologies (Version V3). Zenodo.

Kantar (Public Division). (2019). SIENNA D4.6: Qualitative research exploring public attitudes to AI and robotics (Version V3). Zenodo.

More reports from SIENNA





Project structure


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