AI & Robotics: Ethical framework
In the past couple of years many national and international organisations issued ethics guidelines for artificial intelligence (AI). But the efforts to address ethical issues in AI in other ways have not reached the same prominence. In the SIENNA project, we have developed an ethical framework for AI and robotics that rests on a multistakeholder strategy that moves far beyond ethical guidelines. Download our multistakeholder strategy here.

In our multistakeholder strategy, we distinguish six classes of actor-stakeholders which are key in realizing ethical AI and robotics: AI & robotics developers; AI & robotics development support organizations; organizations that deploy and use AI & robotics technology; governance and standards organizations; educational and media organizations; civil society organizations and the general public.
In relation to these six classes of actors, we propose six classes of methods for realizing ethical AI & robotics:
- Methods for incorporating ethics into research and development of AI & robotics – including research ethics and Ethics by Design.
- Methods for incorporating ethics into the deployment and use of AI & robotics - aimed at organisations that deploy and use AI & robotics technology.
- Corporate responsibility policies and cultures that support ethical development and use of AI & robotics - aimed at both developers, deployers/users and support organizations.
- National and international guidelines, standards and certification for ethical AI & robotics - aimed at governance and standards organisations.
- Policy and regulation to support ethical practices in AI & robotics - aimed at governance and standards organisations.
- Education, training and awareness raising for the ethical and social aspects of AI & robotics - aimed at educators and the media.
In the current report, we present our overall approach, including these six classes of methods, but we do not provide full proposals for any of these methods. This is what we will do, however, in our forthcoming report Multi-stakeholder strategy and practical tools for ethical AI and robotics. Download this forthcoming report here.
Download report: Philip Brey, Philip Jansen, Jonne Maas, Björn Lundgren, & Anaïs Resseguier. (2021). SIENNA D4.7: An Ethical framework for the development and use of AI and robotics technologies (1.1). Zenodo.