SIENNA in media
Our partners publish news and researchers in the project give interviews about the project in their own languages. You will find some of this listed below.
- Robots and artificial intelligence has caught the public’s imagination, The Jet Set Breakfast, 24 October 2020
- Research in 11 countries: citizens fear the use of robots may lead to a society full of inequality, Innovation Origins, 22 October 2020
- Here's how many South Africans are open to the idea that people should be allowed robots as a romantic partner, Business Tech, 18 October 2020
- Heartificial Intelligence: One in 4 of us might accept relationship with a robot, Daily Mail, 17 October 2020
- Dating a droid? A quarter of people have not ruled out the idea of a robot relationship, Lifesly, 16 October 2020
- Dating a droid? A quarter of people have not ruled out the idea of a robot relationship, The World News, 16 October 2020
- Would you date a DROID? Survey reveals a quarter of people haven't ruled out the idea of having a robot as a romantic partner - with the Dutch the most accepting, Daily Mail Online, 16 October 2020
- People prefer robots that look different from them, University of Twente, 15 October 2020
- Ethics as renewed clarity about new situations, Ethics Dialogues, 1 September 2020
- Ethics as renewed clarity about new situations, the Ethics Blog, 26 August 2020
- An Honest Day's Work. In-House Technology in Latin America - Doing the right thing, GC Magazine, 26 February 2020
- AI and robotics adverse impacts – how resilient or vulnerable are we?
Trilateral Research, 4 February 2020 - Europe eyes new rules for ‘Wild West’ of DNA testing. Online commercial DNA testing companies have the upper hand in the EU, where fragmented regulation is difficult to enforce, Politico 14 January 2020
- Persistent AI bias examined with facial recognition water gun and other initiatives, Biometric Update, 30 July 2019
- Getting AI ethics wrong could ‘annihilate technical progress’, Horizon Magazine, 30 July 2019
- How can we set future ethical standards for ICT, Big Data, AI and robotics?, Ethics Blog, 11 July 2019
- Future ethical standards for ICT, Big Data, AI and robotics, web news from the Centre for Research Ethics Bioethics at Uppsala University, 11 July 2019
- SHERPA, SIENNA and Panelfit are working towards setting future ethical standards, web news from the SHERPA project, 10 July 2019
- The underdog in the AI ethical and legal debate: human autonomy, Ethics Dialogues, 12 June 2019
- Harnessing existing human rights jurisprudence to guide AI, Digital Freedom Fund, 8 April 2019
- Are AI, big data and robotics changing life for the better or for the worse?, Trilateral Research News, 7 Nov 2018
- Algorithms and Justice,, 9 Jul 2018
- When AI, big data, ethics and human rights converge, Cordis, 22 Jun 2018
- When AI, big data, ethics and human rights converge, Global Banking and Finance Review, 9 June 2018
- When AI, big data, ethics and human rights converge, Project Sherpa, 30 May 2018
- What impact will new technologies have on our lives? Job losses or new opportunities? Trilateral Research News, 5 February 2018
- AI ethics, foresight and ethics by design: Digital Ethics Summit, Trilateral Research News, 16 Jan 2018
- Ethics, human rights and responsible innovation — THE ETHICS BLOG, Baraza Foundation, Charter for International Human Rights Accountability, 24 November 2017
- Cyborgs urge humans to see the light at Leiden’s Brave New World conference,, 3 November 2017
- Ethics, human rights and responsible innovation, Ethics Blog, 31 October 2017
- Trilateral to support the co-ordination of multi-million Euro project on ethics and human rights impact of new technologies, web news from Trilateral Research, 19 October 2017
- SIENNA: Preparing the ground for responsible innovation, web news from Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB), Uppsala Univeristy, 19 October 2017
- Research on ethical and legal aspects of new technologies, web news from the Univeristy of Twente, 24 April 2017
- 我校人文学部科技伦理团队参加欧盟科技伦理合作项目启动会议, News from the Dalian University of Technology, 30 October 2017
- Onderzoek in 11 landen: burgers vrezen dat inzet van robots leidt tot een maatschappij vol ongelijkheid, Innovation Origins, 22 October 2020
- Opmars robots in zorge, grote impact verwacht, ICT & health, 20 October 2020
- Mensen geven voorkeur aan robots die er anders uitzien dan zijzelf, University of Twente, 15 October 2020
- ‘Zoals mensen kunnen discrimineren, kan kunstmatige intelligentie dat ook’, Innovatie Estafette, 16 April 2019
- Ethische basis voor verantwoorde innovatie, link Magazine, 24 October 2017
- Ethische basis voor verantwoorde innovatie, Press-release from the University of Twente, 24 October 2017
- Dit zijn de 3 ethische grenzen aan technologie, vindt UT-professor, Tubantia 13 May 2017
- UT buigt zich over ethiek en technologie, Computable, 5 May 2017
- Groot Europees onderzoek naar regels voor nieuwe technologieën, NPO Radio 1, 2 May 2017
- Onderzoek naar ethische en juridische aspecten van nieuwe technologie, Press-release from the Univeristy of Twente, 28 April 2017
- Menchen bevorzugen nicht-menschliche Roboter, IT Daily, 19 October 2020
- Menchen bevorzugen nicht-menschliche Roboter, Computerwelt & transform, 19 October 2020
- Human Enhancement: Technische Optimierung von der Wiege bis zur Bahre, SuchtMagazin, January 2018
- Δεύτερη συνάντηση της Γενικής Συνέλευσης του έργου SIENNA Horizon 2020, Ionian University web news, 11 Nov 2018
- Έργο SIENNA, IHRC, 29 October 2018
- SIENNA: Ετοιμάζοντας το έδαφος για υπεύθυνη καινοτομία, Ionian University web news, 20 October 2018
- Ερευνητικό Έργο Sienna με τη συμμετοχή του Ιονίου πανεπστημίου: Όταν η τεχνολογία συναντά την ηθική!, CNN Greece, 20 Oct 2018
- Fidanzarsi con un robot? In Olanda 5 persone su 10 sono d'accordo, Kong News, 25 October 2020
- In Olanda 5 persone su 10 si fidanzerebbero con un robot, Yahoo Finanza, 20 October 2020
- Stabilire una relazione romantica con un robot? Gli olandesi non lo escludono, Gazzetta del Sud Online, 20 October 2020
- In Olanda 5 persone su 10 si fidanzerebbero con un robot, AGI, 20 October 2020
- O avanço tecnológico e os desafios éticos, feature article in Rio Pesquisa - no 41 - Ano XI, pp 14-18 (quarterly magazine on science and technology published by FAPERJ), December 2017
- UFRJ recebeu 38 mil euros para participação em projeto da União Europeia, web news from the Program for Bioethics, Applied Ethics and Public Health, UFRJ, Brazil, 21 November 2017
- 27% людей готовы завести роман с роботом, PopMech, 16 October 2020
- Qué ha hecho Corea del Sur para frenar la curva del coronavirus en una semana, The Conversation, 14 March 2020
- Investigadores evaluarán el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en los derechos humanos, 20 minutos, 26 October 2017
- Un equipo de investigación internacional evaluará el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en los derechos humanos, Press release from the University of Granada, published in UGR divulga, Canal UGR, 26 October 2017
- Hur ska framtidens AI-etik se ut?, Etikbloggen 11 juli 2019
- Framtidens AI-etik, web news from the Centre for Research Ethics Bioethics at Uppsala University, 11 July 2019
- Teknik, etik och mänskliga rättigheter, Etikbloggen, 31 October 2017
- SIENNA-projektet lägger grunden för ansvarsfull teknikanvändning, News from the Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB), Uppsala University, 19 October 2017
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