SIENNA and SHERPA provide feedback on JURI report on a framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies

On 22 May 2020, SIENNA and SHERPA projects, jointly provided feedback on the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs Draft report with recommendations to the Commission on a framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies (2020/2012(INL) based on the findings and results of the SHERPA and SIENNA EU-funded projects.
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Key amongst the recommendations were to make protection from harm the primary objective and prioritize the principle of non-maleficence; define ‘High-Risk’ AI, robotics and related technologies taking into account unknown and unintended consequences; create and/or promote an effective complaint and redress mechanism accessible to stakeholders and encourage the use of ‘ethics by design’.
See our feedback (Link removed)
By Rowena Rodrigues, Trilateral Research
SIENNA and SHERPA are both EU H2020 projects. Please visit the SHERPA project website to find out more about the project, or find out more about how the projects collaborate (Link removed) .