SIENNA: plans for 2020
The SIENNA project wishes you happy holidays! In 2020, we will us the data we have collected so far to develop ethical frameworks for Human Genomics, Human Enhancement, AI and Robotics. Our work will also be translated to guidelines for researchers and innovators in industry and academia, protocols and operational guidelines for research ethics committees, recommendations for better legislation, and more!
We will also develop methodology for ethical analysis for academic researchers, clinicians and start-up companies. And methodology for legal analysis for policy makers, human rights organisations and legal scholars. Another output of the project will be guidance on how to develop codes and guidelines for professional organisations. And we will also develop methodology for research funding organisatons on how to reconcile views and interests of scientists and citizens for research funding organisations.
Want to follow our work in the coming year? Please subscribe to our newsletter, follow us on Twitter or watch clips from SIENNA on YouTube!
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