SIENNA at ENERI final conference

The ENERI project is coming to an end. On October 28-29, they will bring together leading ethics experts, researchers, policy makers, representatives from industry, research funding organisations, civil society and other stakeholders to disseminate the concepts and products developed during the three-years term of the project. SIENNA will be represented in a panel with other SwafS RE and RI projects.
ENERI brings together three important networks: EUREC, ENRIO and ALLEA. As sharing experiences and knowledge through communication and exchange is one of ENERIs central goals, the project has worked closely together with other SwafS RE and RI projects, including SIENNA.
During the conference, ENERI will continue this dialogue in a panel discussion, where Anaïs Rességuier, Research Analyst at Trilateral Research, represents SIENNA.
(Image removed) ENERI project networks and collaborations with SwafS RE and RI projects.