The underdog in the AI ethical and legal debate: human autonomy



Advances in AI will have serious and lasting consequences for human autonomy. But does the increasing autonomy of machines necessarily imply a decreasing human autonomy? This week, SIENNA researchers Rowena Rodrigues and Anaïs Rességuier from Trilateral Research write about the underdog of the AI ethical and legal debate on the Human Brain Project's Ethics Dialogues blog.

According to the authors, we have always been subject to social structures and our environment that have shaped who we are, what we want, and how we make decisions. They claim that we need to pay heed to is how AI is destabilising not only our institutional-human relations and arrangements but also forming a critical part of our social environment (sometimes very sublimely, sometimes forcefully and pervasively). They end by saying that we need to make sure these profound changes do not happen without us.

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About the authors

Rowena Rodrigues is deputy coordinator of the SIENNA Horizon 2020 project and research manager at Trilateral Research, working on the ethics and governance of new and emerging technologies. Anaïs Rességuier is Research Analyst at Trilateral Research working on the ethics of new technologies with a focus on the ethics of artificial intelligence and human-machine interaction.





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