SIENNA at Brave New World conference

How far do we want to go with human enhancement? Does Artificial Intelligence have rights? What is the future of democracy in this digital age? What do we think of helping nature with artificial evolution? These are some of the questions asked at the Brave New World conference, where SIENNA coordinator Philip Brey addressed the ethics of new technology.
(Image removed) Philip Brey, Professor of Ethics
Brave New World is an annual event discussing the ethical and societal impact new technologies could have on human life. The list of speakers included the cybernetic activist Neil Harbisson who uses a sensor that enables him to hear colour as sound, including infrared and ultraviolet.
Philip Brey issued a word of caution in relation to enhancing human abilities. He told that "[f}or human enhancement to become something great in the future, it has to be implemented in a society that is wise and just – my worry is we are not living in a society that is wise and just".
About Philip Brey
Philip Brey coordinates the SIENNA project. He is full Professor of Ethics of Technology at the University of Twente and scientific director of 4TU.Ethics, a research centre in ethics of technology from the University of Twente, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven and Wageningen University.