AI & Robotics: Related projects
SIENNA collaborates with two other European H2020 projects working on the ethical, human rights and legal issues relating to AI, Big Data and Data Sharing: SHERPA and PANELFIT.
Working together with other H2020 projects

Joint publications
Fernow J, de Miguel Beriain I, Brey P, & Stahl B, Setting future ethical standards for ICT, Big Data, AI and robotics, ORBIT Journal 2019, 2019(1).
Find out why we collaborate
Have a look at the SIENNA YouTube channel for more video!
Looking towards the future of technology, the SHERPA project will investigate, analyse and synthesise our understanding of the ways in which Smart Information Systems (the combination of artificial intelligence and big data analytics) impact ethics and human rights issues.

PANELFIT will develop participatory approaches to a new ethical and legal framework for ICT (information and communications technology), taking advantage of the technological opportunities of these processes without compromising the citizens’ security and fundamental rights.

Webinar MAY 20, 2019
Learn about the SIENNA, SHERPA and PANELFIT projects' work to improve the ethics, law and human rights issues of artificial intelligence, big data, smart information systems, and ICT in general.