Genomics: SIENNA publications on human genetics & genomics

The SIENNA project is starting to produce results that will be published both in public deliverable reports and peer-reviewed journals. This page lists our outputs covering the ELSI of human genomics. We have put together a list of outputs from the SIENNA project here.

Deliverable reports

Scientific publications

More manuscripts are under preparation or have been submitted to journals for publication.

Enhancing EU legal frameworks for genetics & genomics research

The existing EU legal frameworks (e.g., clinical trials and advanced therapy medicinal products, data protection, in vitro diagnostic medical devices, medical devices, and fundamental rights) are relevant for regulating human genomic technologies and should be able to cope with many of the challenges that they pose. However, SIENNA research has identified various gaps and challenges that must be addressed in order to ensure ethical and human rights respectful design, development, deployment, and use of genomic technologies and to further the right to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications. This brief presents some of the urgent actions required and recommendations for the European Union institutions, and the Member States.

Santa Slokenberga. (2021, January 31). Enhancing EU legal frameworks for genetics & genomics research, SIENNA project Policy Brief #2 (Version V2.0). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4554977

This brief is also available in Greek: Santa Slokenberga. (2021). Βελτιώνοντας το ευρωπαϊκό νομικό πλαίσιο για την έρευνα στη γενετική και τη γονιδιωματική-Σύνοψη πολιτικής του προγράμματος SIENNA αρ. 2 (Version V2.0). Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5550551

Download SIENNA brief #2





Project structure


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