SIENNA: Technology, ethics and human rights
Human genomics, human enhancement, artificial intelligence and robotics offer benefits for both individuals and society. But these technologies also challenge our notions of what is ethical. SIENNA will provide frameworks to help develop research ethics protocols, professional ethical codes and better legal frameworks.
Human Genetics & Genomics
Technologies to sequence or edit DNA can become powerful tools to diagnose and treat diseases, yet they also raise important ethical, legal and social issues.

Human Enhancement
Technology can enhance our physical, cognitive, emotional and moral abilities. Challenging the boundaries between health and illness, treatment and enhancement, normality and abnormality.
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
We interact with robots, smart devices, intelligent software, prosthetics and implants. We can benefit enormously from interacting with machines. But there are significant ethical challenges.

SIENNA (Stakeholder-Informed Ethics for New technologies with high socio-ecoNomic and human rights impAct) has developed ethical frameworks, recommendations for better regulation and operational tools for the ethical management of human genomics, human enhancement and AI & robotics.
SIENNA's contribution
The SIENNA project will develop ethical codes for human genomics, human enhancement, AI & robotics. We will also help improve existing ethical and legal frameworks for all three areas

Our work is informed by citizens, experts and stakeholders in human genomics, human enhancement and human-machine interaction: find out how!
The SIENNA project started on October 1 2017. In the first seven months, we build the methodological foundation. Find out more!